About Us
Proud of your country? Dedicated to supporting and defending it however you can? Our team here at Patriot Wise loves this country just like you, and every day, we aim to bring you the most impactful, fact-based news that we can. The American people should always be made aware when their core values and Constitutional liberties are at risk.
We the people have the right to be heard. After all, the Constitution affords us freedom of speech and the right to a free press. The entire team at Patriot Wise is committed to preserving American family values, supporting our armed forces, protecting our second amendment rights, and holding officials in our government accountable for their actions. We’re advocates for independence, self-reliance, and preparation in the event of civil unrest or disasters.
As Patriots, it’s our duty to come together, sharing important information, common sense ideas, actionable tips, and the critically important perspectives that the mainstream media consistently suppresses. Our stories are meant to empower you to decide where you stand, then make informed decisions based on what you’ve learned, no matter what’s happening in the world around you.
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