Wisconsin Charges Trump Allies Over 2020 Elector Plot

(PatriotWise.com) — On June 4, the Wisconsin Attorney General announced charges against two former Trump attorneys and a Trump aide for their involvement in the Trump campaign’s fraudulent elector scheme in the state after the 2020 election.

Democrat Attorney General Josh Kaul announced in a press release that felony forgery charges had been filed against attorney Kenneth Chesebro, attorney Jim Troupis, and former Trump campaign aide Mike Roman.

The three men face charges of conspiring to pass off forged documents as genuine, a Class H felony that is punishable by a maximum of six years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.

Kaul said the defendants allegedly took part in a conspiracy “to present a certificate of purported electoral votes” that was fraudulent. Roman was the one who allegedly delivered the fake elector paperwork to a staffer from a Pennsylvania congressman’s office to pass on to then-Vice President Mike Pence when Congress met to certify the election on January 6, 2021.

The three men were ordered to report to the circuit court in Dane County, Wisconsin, on September 19.

The Democratic Attorney General has been under pressure to also bring charges against the 10 fraudulent electors. No charges have been brought against those individuals while a federal investigation is ongoing. However, Kaul has not ruled out the possibility.

The fake elector scheme is central to the federal indictment from Special Counsel Jack Smith in the election interference case against Donald Trump.

Federal prosecutors who investigated Trump’s involvement in the January 6 Capitol riot alleged that the fraudulent elector scheme originated in Wisconsin.

Trump and 18 others, including Mike Roman and Kenneth Chesebro, were also charged in Fulton County, Georgia, over the fraudulent elector scheme. Chesebro accepted a plea deal in that case.

Chesebro and Roman were previously identified as co-conspirators in the fraudulent elector case brought by Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes.

Chesebro, Troupis, and the 10 Wisconsin fake electors settled a civil lawsuit filed against them in 2023.

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